Author Guidelines in Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis (JAB)
1. Format
2. Article Structure
1. Title
Title must be brief, clear, maximum 15 words with capital letter. Font is using: Lucida Bright size 10, in bold, and in center text.
2. Author's name, email address, institution, and country
The author's name (without academic degree), email address, name of institution, and country are written under the article title. When the script is written by a team, the editor only deals with first author, or correspondence author.
3. Abstract
This section contains main issues, research objectives, methods / approaches and research results. The abstract is presented at the beginning of the manuscript and the presentation is approximately 150 to 250 words (in English and Indonesian). Abstract is approximately followed by keywords 3 to 5 words.
4. Introduction
This section describes the background of issues as well as the urgency and rationalization of the research. This section also describes the aims and contributions of research and organization of article.
5. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development.
This section describes theoritical framework / previous research review, and hypothesis development (for research articles). The article of conceptual thought should describe the discussion which is related with issues in introduction.
6 Research methods.
This section describes the research design, scope or object (population and sample), data collection techniques, operational definition of research variables, and analytical techniques.
7. Analysis and Discussion.
This section presents research analysis results. Tables, graphs (figures), and / or charts can be added in research analysis. The discussion section is describing data processing results, interpreting the findings logically, and linking with the relevant referral sources.
8. Conclusion
The conclusion contains a brief summary of the research results and discussion which answers the research objectives.
9. Limitations and Suggestions.
Limitations describe things that actually included within the research scope, but can not included in the research and out of the researcher control because the difficulties of certain methodology and procedure.
Suggestions contain recommendations which is formulated by researchers based on research limitations that can be useful in practical and theoretical for the future research.
3. Tables and Figures
Tables are typed with single line spacing, with the initial and end horizontal line (table subtitle), without vertical line. Tables are numbered sequentially from one.
Figures must be prepared in printable form and in black and white. The source of table and figure should be listed.
4. Quotation
Quotation text is written by mentioning the author's last name and year of publication.
Example Quotation:
5. References
This section contains the sources which are cited in article body and does not contain sources which is not referred in text body. The used text format in Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis is according to the format of APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association) with the writing examples as follows.
Examples of Reference:
One Author
Suwardjono. (2005). Teori akuntansi: Perekayasaan pelaporan keuangan. Yogyakarta: BPFE.
Two to seven Authors
Institutional Author
Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia. (2004). Standar professional akuntan publik. Jakarta: Divisi Penerbitan IAI
Grubb, M., & Neuhoff, K. (Editor). (2006). Emisions trading and competitiveness: Allocations, incentives industrial competitiveness under the EU emissions trading scheme. London: Earthscan.
Author's name. (Year). Translation title (Edition). City: Publisher.
Leaver, B.L., Ehrman, M., & Shekhtman. (2005). Achieving success in second language acquisition. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511610431.
Farahmita, A., & Siregar, S.V. (2014, 24-27 September). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemungkinan perusahaan memilih metode nilai wajar untuk properti investasi. Paper dipresentasikan pada acara Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XVII, Lombok.
Azmi, Z. (2003). Pengaruh ketidakpastian tugas terhadap hubungan antara karakteristik sistem akuntansi manajemen dan kinerja manajerial (Tesis). Universitas Gadjah Mada, Program Pasca Sarjana, Jogjakarta.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. 8 Juli 2003. Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2003 Nomor 4301. Jakarta
El Hida, R. (2010). Masih ada kebocoran pajak, tax ratio mustahil capai 16%. Diakses dari
Terms of Article Submission
Review Method
Articles which have passed in the initial review by editor will be sent to one or two reviewers (reviewers will not know the author's name and vice versa). The blind review results produce the following statement :