Tata Kelola Perusahaan dan Pengungkapan Perbankan Hijau: Peran Moderasi Regulasi Perbankan Hijau
Adu, D.A., Al‐Najjar, B., & Sitthipongpanich, T. (2022). Executive compensation, environmental performance, and sustainable banking: The moderating effect of governance mechanisms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(4), 1439–1463.
Akhter, F., Hossain, M.R., Elrehail, H., Rehman, S.U., & Almansour, B. (2022). Environmental disclosures and corporate attributes, from the lens of legitimacy theory: A longitudinal analysis on a developing country. European Journal of Management and Business Economics, 32(3), 342–369.
Alfraih, M.M., & Almutawa, A.M. (2017). Voluntary disclosure and corporate governance: empirical evidence from Kuwait. International Journal of Law and Management, 59(2), 217–236.
Arayssi, M., Jizi, M., & Tabaja, H.H. (2020). The impact of board composition on the level of ESG disclosures in GCC countries. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 11(1), 137–161.
Bajahar, M.S., & Al-Hajili, A.H. (2017). The impact of the board of directors’ structure on the level of voluntary disclosure in cement companies listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange. Arab Journal of Administrative Sciences, 24(3), 383–410.
Baselga-Pascual, L., Trujillo-Ponce, A., Vähämaa, E., & Vähämaa, S. (2018). Ethical reputation of financial institutions: Do board characteristics matter? Journal of Business Ethics, 148, 489–510.
Bear, S., Rahman, N., & Post, C. (2010). The impact of board diversity and gender composition on corporate social responsibility and firm reputation. Journal of Business Ethics, 97, 207–221.
Ben-Amar, W., Chang, M., & McIlkenny, P. (2017). Board gender diversity and corporate response to sustainability initiatives: Evidence from the carbon disclosure project. Journal of Business Ethics, 142(2), 369–383.
Bhardwaj, B.R., & Malhotra, A. (2013). Green banking strategies: Sustainability through corporate entrepreneurship. Greener Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3(4), 180–193.
Bhatia, S., & Marwaha, D. (2022). The influence of board factors and gender diversity on the esg disclosure score: A study on Indian companies. Global Business Review, 23(6), 1544–1557.
Birindelli, G., Dell’Atti, S., Iannuzzi, A.P., & Savioli, M. (2018). Composition and activity of the board of directors: Impact on ESG performance in the banking system. Sustainability, 10(12), 4699.
Bose, S., Khan, H. Z., Rashid, A., & Islam, S. (2018). What drives green banking disclosure? An institutional and corporate governance perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35(2), 501–527.
Buallay, A., Hamdan, R., Barone, E., & Hamdan, A. (2022). Increasing female participation on boards: Effects on sustainability reporting. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 27(1), 111–124.
Budiharta, P., & Kacaribu, H.E.P.B. (2020). The influence of board of directors, managerial ownership, and audit committee on carbon emission disclosure: A study of non-financial companies listed on BEI. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 9, 75–87.
Chen, X., & Chen, Z. (2021). Can green finance development reduce carbon emissions? Empirical evidence from 30 Chinese Provinces. Sustainability, 13(21), 12137.
Chen, Z., Mirza, N., Huang, L., & Umar, M. (2022). Green banking—Can financial institutions support green recovery? Economic Analysis and Policy, 75, 389–395.
Crossley, R.M., Elmagrhi, M.H., & Ntim, C.G. (2021). Sustainability and legitimacy theory: The case of sustainable social and environmental practices of small and medium‐sized enterprises. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(8), 3740–3762.
Dewi, I., & Dewi, I. (2017). Corporate social responsibility, green banking, and going concern on banking company in Indonesia stock exchange. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(3), 118–134.
Diamastuti, E., Muafi, M., Fitri, A., & Faizaty, N.E. (2021). The role of corporate governance in the corporate social and environmental responsibility disclosure. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(1), 187–198.
Didier, T., Huneeus, F., Larrain, M., & Schmukler, S.L. (2021). Financing firms in hibernation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Financial Stability, 53, 100837.
Farida, D.N., & Purwanto, A. (2021). Do board characteristics impact green banking disclosure? Empirical evidence from Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management, 5(2), 187-197.
Fine, C., Sojo, V., & Lawford‐Smith, H. (2020). Why does workplace gender diversity matter? Justice, organizational benefits, and policy. Social Issues and Policy Review, 14(1), 36–72.
Firmansyah, A., & Kartiko, N.D. (2024). Exploring the association of green banking disclosure and corporate sustainable growth: the moderating role of firm size and firm age. Cogent Business and Management, 11(1), 1–18.
García‐Sánchez, I., Martínez‐Ferrero, J., & García‐Meca, E. (2018). Board of directors and CSR in banking: The moderating role of bank regulation and investor protection strength. Australian Accounting Review, 28(3), 428–445.
Gavrilko, T., & Pobochenko, L. (2021). Environmentalization and the green economy in the perspective of future generations. Green banking as a tool for implementing the model of a socially responsible banking institution. Baltija Publishing, 442–460.
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Gunawan, J., Permatasari, P., & Sharma, U. (2022). Exploring sustainability and green banking disclosures: A study of banking sector. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 24(9), 11153–11194.
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Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20961/jab.v24i1.1177
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis (JAB)
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